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Learn how to Tango

Many more free videos for your solo or couple practice.

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Group lessons

tango course beginners chania
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Check on our guide for beginners "what is tango"

Πληροφορίες για τα μαθήματα (ομαδικά)

Private sessions

Tango private sessions
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Lessons for couples. Study in your own needs, learn fast and with deep understanding of the tango nature. Having a partner to dance and practice helps your tango to grow faster.

Videos On Demand

online tango classes best
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Διαλέξτε απο τις δεκάδες ύλες που σας περιμένουν σε μορφή βίντεο, ή ζητήστε κάτι εξειδικευμένο για εσάς!

Pick from the sets of subjects or ask for a specific explanation.

TangoMoves sessions

ομαδικά τμηματα tango χανιά
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Ενας διασκεδαστικός τρόπος να μπείτε στο tango χωρίς παρτενέρ.

Find out where and when the next tangomoves class is or ask for the footage from inside the lesson.

Online Lessons

online tango classes
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Detailed full lessons or various subjects

Wedding Tangos

support tango wedding dances
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Enjoy your special moment, without counting, or memorizing steps .

Learn how to beautiful tango in your Wedding Dance, in just four lessons!

updated 16.5 .2024
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