"I love this music, it attracts me so much, and for some reason ,
every time I listen to it, I think that I dance to it! "
Course hours do not suit me.
I have an unstable time schedule
I do not feel comfortable sitting in a dance class without knowing the basics.
I feel this is a difficult dance and I would like to make a discreet understanding of its basic logic before I embrace a stranger.
I want to see if I can manage it (the lesson) without being exposed in the eyes of others.
I want to see how the lesson is done. See the "basics" before I decide to go to school.
I am not able to memorize steps.
If any of these is vaild for you, then you can ask for our free video and find information on prices and materials available!
Explanatory Tango videos by F&D
Explanatory Tango videos by F&D

Super Planeo (intro)

What we manage to do at these video lessons is:
1.To give valid and understandable basic information and pre exercises. The information will make you aware of some basic principles, while the exercises will allow you to capture this information in the same way as if you were in a lesson. These first major lessons are mainly designed for those who are looking for a first touch from the comfort of their personal space.
2. to analyze in the form of pre-exerises , some basic figures and step clusters. These lessons require a minimal experience
3.Explain more difficult sets of steps and kinesiology, (decorations-adornos0, boleos, sacadas, volcadas colcadas, that require fragmentation in order to come out comfortable and smooth.
4. Help to match movement with music. The matching of music and steps is not something abstract, nor is musicality subjective based on inspiration. There are specific exercises targeted precisely on this qualitative development of the dancer.
and of course
5. Re-define the details that make the difference. If something does not go out it should in your personal vocabulary and you feel that some piece of technique is not working or it has not been developed enough to allow you to evolve.
Whether you're a totally newbie or in a learning curve , our thought behind these videos is to help you develop basic principles, techniques, and easy tricks that will extend not just the repertoire of your movements but the enjoyment of dancing.
Most importantly: to achieve effective communication with each partner.
Every time.

Gain access to information and teaching advices that you can recall over and over again. Beyond out basic packs, you can explore even more sophisticated material and techniques, or ask for advice with a video specialy tailor made!
Find Your Way! Study with your comort and evolve at your personal pace and time.
Ask for annotation and counseling on a personal level. (with video or skype )
Expand your dance vocabulary. We build on the balanced development of these two poles:
A) Focusing on a robust structured basis for improvisation and use for social dancing, so you can develop an infinite number of steps and combinations.
B) In a simple way, we provide you with technical instructions and guidance for impressive elements that are easily assimilable and functional once you find their core.
Build your self-confidence by working as many times as you need, in the comfort of your living room and your personal space, all the pre-exercises required to get the final result.
Stay in shape! Although tango is not an extremely aerobic dance, only 15 minutes each day you will see obvious signs of improving your mood and shape with no knee and hip stress! And of course there is always the milonga for those who can withstand something more fast or dynamic!
Ask for our free video and find information on prices and materials available!